Incredibly popular games like We Ski, Skate It, and Tony Hawk: Ride have made the Nintendo Wii the spot for action sports games.
The Wii’s ability to track the movement of peripheral equipment makes it the perfect venue for this style of game, and the accessories that accompany it. On no other system can you jump on a skateboard or snowboard and play the game! There are a ton of Wii accessories that are designed for skating, and some of them aren’t good at all! I want to show you some of the most popular ones that are designed for these games.
The most popular and highest quality accessory that works with most of the skate and snow games is the Wii Fit Balance Board. This is the board that accompanies all copies of Wii Fit. In that game it tracks your movement so you can exercise along with the game, but it turns out that it works really well for skating and snowboarding. If you don’t have a Balance Board there are other accessories available, but it’s one of the best around and mandatory for many games. Buying Wii Fit is almost worth it to just get the board!
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The Skateboard/Snowboard, from popular Wii accessory maker CTA, works with the balance board to give a realistic skating or snowboarding experience. The board sits on the top of the Balance Board and is supported by blocks on each end. This allows the Balance Board to control your movements through the skateboard.
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Popular games that are paired with this setup are Tony Hawk’s Proving Ground and Shaun White’s Snowboarding, and it works flawlessly with these. There is even a model of this accessory from pro skateboarder Rob Dyrdek that is one of his pro model skateboards!
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Tony Hawk Shred is the newest game in the popular franchise. It comes with its own skateboard that works extremely well for the game, unfortunately you can use the balance board with this game. The board that comes with the game is the only way to control it!
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Skating and snowboarding games are a lot of fun to play on the Wii. Being able to stand on a faux-board makes the games extremely realistic. Having your rider do spins and grinds with a controller just isn’t fun anymore now that these Wii snowboard and skateboard accessories are so easy to get!